
Fresh Strawberry Coffee Cake

By: David Dial from Spiced
Fresh Strawberry Coffee Cake

"Embrace summer berry season with this Fresh Strawberry Coffee Cake! This cake is packed with juicy strawberries and topped with a cinnamon-brown sugar crumble. I’m not gonna lie – one of my favorite parts about coffee cake is the streusel topping. I’ve been using the same topping for years, and there are times when I debate just eating the streusel topping off of all the slices of coffee cake. (I’ve never actually done this – but the thought has crossed my mind!) The combination of brown sugar, cinnamon and cardamom is the perfect mix of warming baking spices. Put that over a good coffee cake? That’s pretty much my idea of the perfect breakfast, lunch and dinner! (I kid. I don’t actually eat coffee cake for dinner. Well, not since my bachelor days.)"


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